Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ummm - Uh Oh?

So - how's it starting to look, kids? Nice, eh? Chica-X aka Kel, gets all the cred for the design stuff. Tomorrow, I will redo the links and such, if I am able to access them. There's not a nav bar in this design, so who knows if I will be able to get back to this place, once I save everything, so far, and head off to bed. It's either that, or leave my editing page open all night. I dun't think so, Lucy. ;) Still, I love it & really owe Kel bigtime, for all of her hard work and wonderful help. The gal is priceless, that's for sure!!!


elisataufik said...

Looking gooooddd!!!!

I wish I had the time and the expertise to spruce up mine..
ah well, we do what we can :)

Ted said...

Looking good Lady V. I'd like to work on mine again 'cause I realllllly don't like it at the moment but I'm spending the time on more productive things... Like reading other people's blogs ;)

Lady Visine said...

Wish I was able to read others' blogs, but I have to update my links, at least, before I pass out for the night. Without the nav bar, I have no way to customize my blog, though! Kel has probably gone to bed for the night, so I'm not sure what to do, except leave things open *which I don't really wanna* until morning and she can help me again. :D

Squilla said...

PHEW! So glad to have not lost everyone! Will be back to catch up on the news properly as soon as I possibly can. :D XXXXX

Chandramoon said...

Looking fine - I'm fed up though with no alerts etc - if I miss some of your posts I haven't forgotten you! xx hug

laughingwolf said...

it is starting to feel more like yer ol zu, hon :)

LOTGK said...

I like it, especially the green with the white lettering. Very easy on the eyes.

Unknown said...

Chica rules!
It definitely looks like you in here LV.